Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Views on Globalisation

Mr Dlamini made a presentation on globalisation. He stated that globalisation was a new force which is now shaping the business terrain. While this is true I think the main question to ask though is whether globalisation is good or bad. For Mr Dlamini globalisation is good for all, developed and developing countries. But for me I feel globalisation is more in favour of developed countries, especially, America and Britain. These countries have power in the decisions which are made in the IMF, WTO and World Bank in turn these decisions affect developing countries. Developing countries are expected to follow the Western way of development instead of them having their own ideology of what is development considering their local context. I feel developing countries should be left to define what is development to them and how best to achieve this development. Like what happened in the East Asian countries. Today China and India have developed from being poor countries into super powers just by empowering their people and allowing the governments to be involved in development.

He ended with a quote which I thought was beautiful, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter” Martin Luther King Jr. If we do not talk about the effects of globalisation on the African continent it means we are going to be always following behind other continents in terms of development.

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